3rd Per3s Workshop

3rd Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems Workshop

30 Janvier 2017

Location: DDN Storage, Meudon-la-Forêt

Per3S (Performance and Scalability of Storage Systems) is a workshop targeting I/O and storage for the Exascale era.
Per3S has the ambition to help the French storage community to crystallize and to foster discussion in the storage as well as file system areas.
Per3S is co-organized by DDN Storage, CEA, the University of Versailles, and the University of Western Brittany.

10:00 Opening
10:15 Data storage and management in Cloud environment
——– How and why migrate from a centralized storage solution to a distributed architecture aka CEPH a distributed storage in enterprise: our experience,  Eric Mourgaya, Systems engineer, storage specialist at Credit Mutuel Arkea
——– RozoFS: a distributed storage with Mojette erasure code, Benoît Parrein, LS2N, équipe RIO, Nantes
——– The problem of clock synchronization in cloud storage system, Alexey Romanenko, DDN Storage
——– Predicting SSD I/O interferences in a container cloud context, Jean-Emile Dartois, IRT b<>com
13:00 Lunch break and poster session
14:00 HPC I/O and Profiling environment
——– Data management for RedisDG scientific workflow engine, Christophe Cerin, Paris 13
——– Data Management and tiering with Robinhood Policy Engine, Thomas Leibovici, CEA/DAM
——– PDI a library to decouple applications from IO concerns , Julien Bigot, Maison de la Simulation
——– Capture and exploitation of I/O traces, Tom Benacin, DDN Storage
——– Topology-Aware Data Aggregation for Intensive I/O on Large-Scale Supercomputers, Emmanuel Jeannot, Inria Bordeaux
——– [WIP]Reconsidering Cloud and HPC Storage, Fotios Nikolaidis, CEA/UVSQ
17:00 Concluding remarks

Registration is free, but for logistic purpose, if you are planing to attend please send an e-mail to



Location: DDN Storage, Meudon-la-Forêt:
•         http://www.ddn.com/company/office-locations/france-paris
Official website
•         http://syst.univ-brest.fr/per3s


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